Entrepreneurship & Economic Development

Several years into recovery after a decades-long economic slide in both Southeast Michigan and Western New York, the Foundation’s investments in Entrepreneurship & Economic Development look to leverage this momentum by spurring small business growth, place-based community and economic development, and talent attraction and retention.
In each region, the Foundation seeks to strengthen the entrepreneurial support system from grassroots to high growth by helping entrepreneurs access critical resources and technical assistance, so they can get what they need to start or grow their businesses. Such support can mean better access to capital and business planning resources, as well as capacity-building support and more. Lack of access to these resources is particularly acute with women and minority entrepreneurs, and the Foundation supports efforts to attain and sustain economic growth that is inclusive and equitable.
In addition, the Foundation focuses on place-based investments in key commercial corridors located in underinvested areas, all to help support neighborhood job growth, build community wealth, and generate regional economic development in our communities.